I took a Sapporo's great view picture from a penthouse condo.
As you can barely see, Sapporo city doesn't have lots of skyscraper like New York, Tokyo, or Shanghai.
On the other hands, this city has comparatively bigger district than other government-decreed city has.
Moreover, here in Sapporo's air is really clean tough,it's the fourth biggest population city in Japan!
Those sightseeing maps you can get at transportation or travel agency have had wide choices of language version compare to before.
Those multiple languages' maps are English, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, in addition to this, Thai land's one!
When I saw this map for Thai people, I felt so happy because I've never seen this kind of language guide, as far as I know!
Even though our city's multiple language guides are still not good enough, I hope this city become visitor-friendly place which has many kind of signboard and information written by more variety of languages, as soon as possible.
Up to that time, what I want to do will continue to help visitors from overseas who have difficulty with getting information or getting lost, as long as I have a time!